天行的画室座落在工业区,在一座工业大厦内看这些中国山水,好像有些风马牛不相及吧! 然而,这却更能突显那份对国画的坚持及丰厚的内心感情。
The Art of Lam Tianxing
Some week ago Lam Tianxing came to my apartment to show me some of his recent paintings, and we spent an interesting time together examining and discussing the examples he had brought. As such informal talks go, we discussed in general the subject of contemporary ink painting. The upshot of this cordial meeting was an invitation to me to visit his studio in Kwai Chung.
During that visit I saw a much larger selection of his painting, usually conceived in sizes of 42cm×47cm or smaller at 23cm×27cm, confortable sizes to work in ink and colour which is his favoured medium. The artist’s subject is generally the traditional mainstay of Chinese ink painting --- the countryside in all its variety. But Lam’s work is specifically about country with its clothing of trees and other vegetation clinging to and sprouting from the landscape’s contours. Not for him the classic Chinese approaches in line and colour with forms and incidents ultimately derived from the unique discipline and inspiration of classical Chinese calligraphy and its thousands-strong tresure of linear forms. For Lam, that whole basic structural tradition has coalesced following his early training in western manners of painting in ink and colours, and in its employment of means of depiction in a realistict and poetic manner. Lam’s approach is other. He tends very often to exercise a stubborn concentration in depicting landscape to restrict his viewing to a narrower field --- from the wide-angle to a more close stance. Frequently we find details of white-walled cottages with dark roofs, sections of other wooden structures that have their origins doubtless in country barns, among other telling details of rural landscape. Sometimes a whole painting will be devoted to what amounts to a lively mosaic of vegetal forms in bright yellow and brown, as if the artist were looking from not far away but from a higher plane, at a patterns of leaf and other vegetation below but sharply near to him. But then, almost suddently it seems, we are seeing a river as it approaches the seashore with small boats, sometimes a donkey or two.
The concentration of these paintings of portions of country scenes often means that the concentration on portions of life --- vegetation, out-cropping rock, partis of rustic buildings and fencing --- come together in a near-abstract meanner while yet offering a compellingly recognisable scene of rural landscape.
Simultaneously, one feels (and this applies to all Lam’s paintings) the gently offered yet very strong impression that it is Chinese country he is rendering --- without a doubt.
Lam’s studio is in an industrial building in an industrial neighborhood, and looking at his works in that context they seem to insist and (against the local odds) to evoke even more strongly the innate feeling of depicting Chinese landscape. This is hard to explain, but it is so.
From a large pile of what are obviously ink and colour works, Lam chooses an example and unrolls it on the floor between his long cluttered desk and arrangements of stacked material. This is a brushed painting in black ink which is 2,000 centimetres long (about 75 feets), named Location Sketch of Tibet. It recounts the visual and sensual story of his reactions on his three visits to that country. The vigour, the impetus of the brush loaded with black Chinese ink every shade from deepest Stygian through the greys of its dryer moments, offers an account of the startling variety of rock and crag, and of silent lower areas among soaring mountains, sudden stub-shaped rock towers created by time and torrents and the shatter of ice in the savage seasons of Tibetan years.
The land so tellingly described by Lam’s brush records the marathon of his journeys there in spirited graphic manner that as you move along the painting’s length the feeling of the trek evoked by the scroll on the floor at your feet strikes with the knife-edge force of truth. In a few instants the sight of it was for me more telling of Tibet than those many photographs we have all seen.
Rolling up the scroll, the artist brought out a vertial painting perhaps about two metres high. The sudden contrast to its forerunner was extraordinary. The whole surface of the paper was covered in cloudy forms in what is perhaps best described as soft pale shapes of ink and colour pigment from which emerged, one near the top and the other lower down, two cloudy pale pink flowers of lotus petals fully spread. For me, by this time absorbed within the stark, strong, impact of Lam’s Tibetan journey in the long scroll, those two glowing pink flowers were among the most moving beauty in painting of my recent experience.
In the work of Lam Tianxing contemporary Chinese art has a painter of rich achievement whose landscape adds a modern chapter of great accomplishment and depth to the field of Chinese ink painting. It does so by a remarkable use of combination ideally managed, of fundamentals of the two traditions in a rational and painterly melding.
October, 2007
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